All Stories

All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova


Marta is a bar manager at all three Goodman sites. Later this year, she’ll be celebrating her 12th anniversary with the company (“which is crazy!”), likes her cocktails simple, classic and strong (“an Old Fashioned, a Gibson Martini”) and is a self-confessed geek who owns a Star Trek uniform and admits to sobbing at the final episode of Picard.

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All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova


You may not have met Vasiliki but you will have tasted her cooking. She’s been part of the Goodman Family for four years now, has worked extensively through the kitchen – “food makes me happy” – but has now discovered her favourite section.

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Tim Delaney
All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova All Stories, People Margarita Bofill Buhova

Tim Delaney

Goodman Executive chef
Prawn Tempura – although the Beef Tartare is up there.
The 400g US ribeye was always my favourite but I’d put the Australian ribeye 400g above that now. Mac and cheese. The cheesecake. In that order. Nothing else. No. Not even chips or bread.

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All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya


Bartender at Goodman Mayfair
You could argue that Goodman Mayfair is synonymous with three things: steak, wine and Kuku. We mean, since arriving on day one, Kuku has even outlasted the Jospers…

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Barry Kumar
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Barry Kumar

Group Senior Pastry Chef
“The cheesecake has to stay. Once we took the cheesecake off and put a lemon tart on instead… but not for long. People kept asking for it to come back.”

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Alice Borrman
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Alice Borrman

Sommelier at Goodman Mayfair
“At the end of the day though, people want to have a nice wine, and enjoy it. Some want to talk about it, but at the end of the day, wine is there to be enjoyed. There’s no right or wrong.”

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Tim Piwinger
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Tim Piwinger

Sommelier at Goodman Canary Wharf
“Even people who have very particular tastes will occasionally push the wine list away and say, ‘throw me a curve ball.’ When that happens and you introduce them to something they love, it feels amazing.”

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Daniel Morgan
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Daniel Morgan

Group Head Sommelier
“Five-and-half years later he’s Group Head Sommelier – and thoroughly enjoying being part of the Goodman family. “The more you put in the more you get out,” he says. “And there are always new things to learn.”

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Lukasz Doktor
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Lukasz Doktor

Head Chef at Goodman Mayfair
“Building a team is not just about cooking. There’s psychology involved, you have to find ways to get people of all different backgrounds, and different experiences and different nationalities, working together. It takes time but you want people you can rely on – and who know they can rely on you.”

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Teji Kimena
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Teji Kimena

Head Chef at Goodman Canary Wharf
“I try to get my junior chefs involved, to come up with ideas and I can help them develop those. Sometimes we put them on the menu. That’s the way I learned and I want to bring my team up, encourage them”

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Darren Selby
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Darren Selby

General Manager at Goodman Canary Wharf
“I love Goodman, the ethos, that it’s all about the people, the guests and the team. That’s exactly how I’ve been all my career. I’ve brought a few of my old customers in, and they’re becoming Goodman regulars too.”

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Mariusz Drabik
Meat, All Stories, Supplier galia Rybitskaya Meat, All Stories, Supplier galia Rybitskaya

Mariusz Drabik

Head Chef at Goodman City
And then Goodman came along, clearly to Mariusz’s delight. “Goodman has shown me a different thing. We watch out for each other. It’s nice. We’re more than a small team. We are a family.”

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Ansa Stanley
All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya All Stories, People galia Rybitskaya

Ansa Stanley

General Manager at Goodman City
“I think it’s the Goodman attention to detail, the quality of service,” Ansa explains. “I mean, Goodman is expensive, and that could scare people, thinking it’ll be all ‘stiff upper lip’ and formal, but it’s friendly, relaxed and there’s so much pride and thought in what we do.”

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